Welcome & Thank You for Exploring!!

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Welcome & Thank You for Exploring!!

Post by eric-pal »

If you are looking around, then welcome!!!!

First, please recognize that you are attempting to learn one of the more difficult skillsets. Trading is one of the most difficult “easy” things which you may encounter. Why is the easy appearance difficult? That is a good question!

The first reason is that what you think you see, and what a professional trader sees are not the same. Not even remotely. There is a skillset which has been built and acquired to analyze and recognize particular situations well. It is very unlikely to develop these skills on one’s own because many of the specific skills are areas where one is unconsciously incompetent. If you do not know what you need to know, how can you learn it?!!!!

A second reason is that many believe their issue is within the mental sphere because, well, trading is 90% mental right? Well, yes and no. Trading becomes predominantly mental when a trading system has been well understood technically. This also means that until that point, most of the mental training is much less important. If one doesn't know why something should work, or what a situation should appear as to be high probability, then the execution becomes much more random.

That is where this course really shines in my opinion. First, it sequences specific skills from the ground up, while also introducing awareness and perception drills to train one’s vision to see what is important. Not simply candlesticks, but the real essence of how the market moves and behaves. This is what you will not find in books or many other courses.

The lectures are very specific, and the homework organized well to introduce and drill these aspects in a reasonable timeframe. It is because you need to retrain what you think you see into what is really there, how the market really moves, that can take some time. Once you see it, everything else becomes much more obvious.

Additionally, how the market moves, and context is emphasized throughout the course. Is this a trend, a trading range, what is the bias? Critical questions and the answers allow one to know when is a really good opportunity versus just your ordinary “might work” guess. There isn’t guessing when working with high probability, and the course specializes in seeing those opportunities.

Thank you for your consideration. This is the quickest method I know of to develop the skill to read Price Action without candlestick "science?" and indicators. Read beyond the bars!!! It took many years of study and research to create because many aspects are not self evident. With good recognition skills, Lecture 7 dives into how to develop the mental skill to execute well.

We wish you great success and please let us know if you have questions.

Good trades to you!

Re: Welcome & Thank You for Exploring!!

Post by Guest »

Thank you for the course.

I was curious to know if you have written about your personal trading journey anywhere?

How long did it take to become proficient (both in terms of time and money) ?

And, did you primarily learn from Mack and Brooks?
Posts: 216
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:08 am

Re: Welcome & Thank You for Exploring!!

Post by eric-pal »

I have not detailed my journey in detail, though I believe that most individuals will have a less tedious journey than I did, but only if one knows what to look for. Most who study on their own do not, which can only lengthen the process since one then speaks of unconscious incompentence. I have studied most every system, with exception to options. The last 9+ years primarily focused on PA Mack & Brooks equally, full time, and initially reviewing Volman in 2013 as well as other systems. Knowing the theory, and why it works, as well as the practice is the trick for long term accomplishment. The markets change, and understanding how markets move and can move is key to change with them.

Having seen what an edge appears as, one then needs to be able to develop the mindset to act appropriately. This can be a whole different journey. Learning to trust oneself and the read.

My recommendation would be to not risk any money until one has sufficiently proven and tested their method through a variety of environments. Without doing so, it is possible to create a mentally risk adverse atmosphere and that isn't how trading works. There is no number sufficient to capture how much one can lose without proper preparation and risk management other than, everything, and if over leveradged -> even more.

Hopefully helpful and good trades to you!

Re: Welcome & Thank You for Exploring!!

Post by Guest »

Thanks, Eric. I'll make sure to complete the entire course and only trade on the Simulator until I can consistently double my account while sticking to the exact same trading plan as the one I will use when trading live.

Can I post trades for review and feedback here or is this forum primarily for technical support around the course only?
Posts: 216
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:08 am

Re: Welcome & Thank You for Exploring!!

Post by eric-pal »

There is a private area to discuss as well as a specific area around questions of the lectures.

Thank you & Good trades to you!
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