Mack's premium content subscription.

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Mack's premium content subscription.

Post by burd44 »

Hi traders,

I own the PATS trading manual, the top pick trading course, and I purchased a phycology course. I have been trading seriously for 1 year now and am a break even trader trading the MES. I trade every day full time using a slightly modified Mack's system. I fixed most of my phycology issues but I'm having issues with the nuances of the setups and reading context. I get trapped A LOT. When I get feed back on my trades there is always some sort of nuance or context issue that I missed but then I see the trade happen again and it works and Mack marks it(I miss many good trades). I got to the point where I was only taking 2-3 trades a week because there was always a reason to not take the trade.
So here is my question, Is it worth getting Mack's premium subscription and will this help with reading context and reversals, and structuring my thought process during the trading day?. I curranty watch a lot of Thomas Wades lessons and also watch Mack's video's every night and mark up my daily charts. Any advice for me would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.

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Re: Mack's premium content subscription.

Post by shoikan »

Hey, I got the one year subscription when I first started PATS. I essentially went through all the forum categories (range, mack questions, etc) and consumed everything. I personally found it extremely helpful, mostly from active users commenting on why a trade failed and seeing others logic come into play. This all helped me start to evaluate my trades/read better.

The Mack content (premium videos) was also really helpful getting a grasp on how he reads the market and draw trendlines.

It's hard to say what will help you as everyone is different, I'm personally a visual learner so seeing graphics/videos really helps it sink in.

For what its worth there is a lot of great information in the videos and forums that I've saved in google notes over the years and review all the time. Strong majority of that information came from Eric and Mack.

While the premium might help you out in the long run there is no substitute for more screentime and review. The premium will definitely help you focus on area's of interest sooner.

Goodluck in your decision
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Re: Mack's premium content subscription.

Post by Marco »

Hi Derek,

Personally, I am not a member anymore BUT when I started with PATs I subscribed to his premium membership for 3 years.
It helped me tremendously to follow and check his morning chart and compare it with my drawing. This way I had a confirmation that my channels were right/wrong or even some channels that I did not consider before. :D
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