Reading Material - Books

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Reading Material - Books

Post by _strange_ »

Eric, I have a file full of screenshots of various parts of the lectures I thought important at the time, but today in looking for books to read for homework from the lectures, I can only find the 3 books noted in the screenshot below. Are there any more recommendations in the lectures somewhere?

Im buying physical books and ive got to actually import them, so I want to try and get all of them at once - if there are any I missed of course.
Screenshot 2023-09-09 195923.png
Screenshot 2023-09-09 195923.png (790.45 KiB) Viewed 1465 times
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Re: Reading Material - Books

Post by eric-pal »

That is the listing.

Heart Breath Mind (HBM) is a phenomenal book on flow, stress and approach. There isn't anything else that comes close to it in a single volume. It is a critical book for understanding and engaging flow initially without a lot of "fluff". Do the exercises (nothing else needs to be purchased as there are free apps). There are a few things which the exercises do to the brain (positively), and it takes 1-2 months to build. The drawback is, it takes a little time. . . What good in life doesn't?

Fear as Fuel. Important for how one manages fear. The process and the hows & whys of the process provide background and also point to areas in HBM and why it is so effective. With respect to fear, the approach is correct. However, often a trader's first response is avoidance . . . this does not work, especially in the long run (ie how can I find trades where I can not lose and never be wrong).

Both books together allow one to become "comfortable with being uncomfortable". It doesn't feel good. . . I think that is obvious from the word discomfort. However, the brain can then separate uncomfortable from deadly (death of account, fear of failure, etc). . . . [one then logically says "well I can notice the difference" . . . The human condition of an adult actually prevents that as everything first works through perceptual filters unless trained to do otherwise [this is what meditation seeks to discover initially].

The avoidance aspect is the one of the greatest hinderances because it restricts a trader's actions to when they feel most comfortable, and when that occurs is usually when prices have settled, which means lower probability directional trading. As one reads this, it becomes obvious and logical, however, avoidance isn't based on logic. . . it is based on fear, and that changes how one even sees the market (it is a delayed and filtered response). This is why changing the meaning of fear is useful (obviously this doesn't mean take inordinate risks when there is true harm potential). Some of the drills in Lecture 7 also help with this.

Tiny habits is more optional and a very strong platform for creating habits. How does one simply get to execution? Process, process, process.

Hopefully helpful and good trades to you!
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2022 4:22 pm

Re: Reading Material - Books

Post by shoikan »

Thanks for this reminder Eric and Strange
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